British Council encourages innovations in Indonesia Arts and Culture Promotion through Yogyakarta City Branding & Festival Management, a capacity building programme that supports festival managers & city government in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, to better manage, promote and support the city’s wealth of high quality cultural festivals.
Since June 2014, British Council has been working closely with best festivals in Yogyakarta to develop promotional and marketing concepts and bring festivals in Yogyakarta to the higher level. Two previous workshops have been delivered to fulfil the needs of festivals managers and organisers, continuing two Forum Group Discussions that were held before the programme started.
The first workshop in December 2014 has successfully been delivered by Shona McCarthy, Director, Derry~Londonderry City of Cultureas the facilitator, while the second workshop, held in early March 2015 invited two speakers from the region to share their experiences on organising international festivals: Joe Sidek, Director, George Town Festival, Penang, Malaysia and Janet de Neefe, Founder/Director, Ubud Writers and Readers Festival.
During the workshops, the festival directors have covered fundamental things on building up the collaboration such as mapping out the brand DNA of Yogyakarta, stakeholders and funding challenges and strategic planning process for creating sustainable festivals and many more.
The two workshops have also stimulated the participants to unite in a forum in order to realise the joint promotion initiative under the brand name of ‘jogjafestivals’. Through this programme, British Council hopes to give contribution to build a new image of Yogyakarta as “the Festival City” as currently the forum is preparing for the grand design of ‘jogjafestivals’ and aiming to launch this pilot programme by this year.
For the third workshop, British Council is proud to invite James McVeigh, Head of Marketing and Innovation, Festivals Edinburgh to share the concept of joint festival promotion and marketing as well as the impact of Festival City for the economy and tourism to 18 (eighteen) festival directors. The workshop will be held in Yogyakarta on Wednesday - Friday, 22 - 24 April 2015.
During his visit, James will also talk at one day seminar for festival organisers in Solo that will be held on Saturday, 25 April 2015 at ISI Surakarta.