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Writing for Inclusion is an online workshop programme developed by British Council, Disability Arts Online (DAO), The Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), and KamiBijak, to enrich the inclusive writing skills for established journalists from disabled or non-disabled, as well as aspiring journalists or writers with disability.

This programme will be held on 27 May - 1 July 2021, and will include:

1.   One webinar 'Empowering disabled people through how we talk and write' exploring: 


  • Representations of disabled people in the media; stereotypes and how to spot them.  

  • Thinking about barriers and access instead of medical conditions; the social model as a means of empowerment. 
  • The importance for disabled people of being properly represented. 

2.   There will then be four follow-up group sessions for each cohort:


  • Session one:



  • Group A will explore how to critique work by disabled artists. 
  • Group B will explore different styles of writing and types of content. 
  • Both groups will be given a writing assignment in their first session.  


  • Session two will explore the different approaches of developing a good coverage outline to stay focused on the issues.

  • Session three will dig more into inclusive journalism practice with one of Indonesian online media. 


  • Session four will be a chance to get feedback and discuss with peers within their cohort. 

Separate one-to-one mentoring sessions will be available, with mentors coming from diverse experiences. There will also be a facilitated networking opportunity which will be designed to enable the selected participants to share and learn from each other.

Having delivered our disability arts programme in Indonesia for the past 5 years, working across the spectrum of influence, including policy, institutions, and individuals, we have developed Writing for Inclusion as an opportunity to enrich the skills of both established and aspiring journalists to widen the scope of their journalistic practice, taking on fresh perspectives and learning how to write inclusively. 

Our Mentors

Colin Hambrook

Colin is the Founding Editor of Disability Arts Online. He has worked in the field of disability arts for 30 years, having produced a variety of web and print based publications in that time, including as previous editor of Disability Arts in London (DAIL) magazine. 

Joe Turnbull

Joe is the Assistant Editor of Disability Arts Online and has been with the organisation since 2015. Joe takes the lead on much of Disability Arts Online's partnership and consultancy work, which includes managing the editorial for the British Council's Disability Arts International platform. Joe has background in arts journalism having written for the Guardian, The Stage, a-n, Frieze and Apollo Magazine. 

Nani Afrida

Nani is a female journalist who have worked more than 21 years in various media -- local, national, and international. Nani is currently working as the chief correspondent for Turkey Anadolu Agency. Besides working as a journalist, Nani is also actively involved in The Alliance of Independet Journalists (AJI) in Indonesia, as the Head of the Gender, Children, and Marginalized Group Division. 

Dian Yuliastuti

Dian is an editor at Tempo media, with specialization in the Arts and Cultural sector. Dian is also actively involved at AJI's National Commitee, by being a member of the Gender, Children, and Marginalized Group Division (2017-2021) and a member of Education, Ethic, and Profession Division (2021-2024).

Widia Primastika

Widia is the Managing Editor of Konde.co, a media that focuses on women issues and minority groups. She has concerns towards issues related to the media, women, and marginalized group. She also has concerns towards issues related to mental health, one of them being part of the research team that studies Journalistic Knowledge Towards Suicide Issues.  

Aryani Bunawan

Aryani is a journalist and Deaf reporter whom always interested in learning new things. Eventhough some people thinks that she has limitations, but for her, limitations should not prevent her from improving herself. 

Restu Lestari

Reading is one of her interests. With a Japanese Literature background, Restu is currently working as content creative at KamiBijak. Her biggest hope as a Deaf woman is for the media to be more disabled-friendly. 


Selected Participants of Cohort A


Alvi lives in Yogyakarta. Starting from 2009, he focuses on social and Human Rights issues such as issues related to women, domestic workers, LGBTIQ, and disability. He is also interested in cross sector issues and transdisciplinary approaches. He is currently working as a contributor for Solider.id. 

Bambang Muryanto

Betty Herlina

Eversince graduating from Technology of Agricultural Industry (TIP) studies in University of Bengkulu, Betty started her journalistic career at Harian Rakyat Bengkulu in 2008. She is currently working as the official at gerbangbengkulu.com and writing for women related issues from various perspectives at bincangperempuan.com. Betty has won several awards, such as Citradaya Nita 2018 and 2019 from Pusat Perhimpunan Media Nusantara (PPMN), Women Journalistic Fellowship from PPMN & Unesco (2020).

Ika Yuniati

Ika is a journalist for Harian Solopos for arts and cultural sector whom also interested in writing about gender and inclusion issues. Aside from actively working at Harian Solopos, Ika has attended trainings and fellowships that focuses on gender and inclusion issues. She is also actively involved in social activities, at Ruang Solidaritas Jolijolan, and Kelas Inspirasi. 

Muhamad Taslim Dalma

Muhamad Taslim Dalma was born in Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province on 15 November 1991. He has a Post-graduate Degree at Universitas Halu Oleo (UHO) Kendari, majoring at Language Education and Indonesian Literature (graduated 2018). He started working as a journalist in 2014 for a local newspaper called "Media Sultra", and then in 2015 he started working at an online media "Zonasultra.com" until now. 

Rosy Dewi Arianti Saptoyo

Rosy started her journalistic career as contributor at Kantor Berita Radio (KNR) 68H in 2019. She joined Tren as desk reporter in 2021, and also Kompas.com as a member of Fact Check Team. She is interested in topics related to diversity, women, disability, and Human Rights issues, as well as popular topics that are widely discussed in social media. 

Stanislaus Yangni

Stanislaus Yangni, often called as Sius, lives and works in Yogyakarta as a freelance writer. She studied Psychology at Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta, STF Driyarkara Jakarta, and Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta. Until now, she's been focusing on visual arts, aesthetics, and philosophy. Besides writing, she also does photography and graphic design. 

Triyo Handoko

Triyo is a writer based in Solo whom currently works at Remotivi. He's interested in the studies of media and culture. He atttended "Masterclass Jurnalisme Seni Rupa" held by DKJ and "Sekolah Penelitian dan Penulisan Seni Rupa" held by Galeri Lorong.

Selected Participants of Cohort B

Andi Joko Prasetyo

Andi started writing news in 2015, out of his personal concerns towards the lack of exposures of disabled people by Indonesian media -- printed or online, as well as the lack of villagers' awareness towards what is happening in their village because most media only covers news from the city. Because of his two concerns, he started to write a personal blog covering things happening in his village, and with an intention to fight for disabled rights through the news, by also complying to ethical journalistic codes. Upon receiving positive responses from fellow readers, Andi and his colleagues started Warto Deso in 2017. 

Annisa Anggraini

Annisa is a Deaf teacher who teaches at SLB BCD Nusantara Depok, Jawa Barat. She enjoys writing, reading books, painting, cooking, gardening, and photography as her hobbies. 

Junita Setiawati Herlambang

Junita is a Deaf Motivator and Trainer for Beauty & Spa. She wrote a book about her lived experience, titled, "The Journey of Grace, Menaklukkan Dunia Tanpa Suara (translated: Conquering the World without A Sound)". She has received several awards, such as, "Woman Hero" given by BEM Universitas Airlangga and Kementerian Pemberdayaan Wanita (the Ministry of Women Empowerment), as well as "Perempuan Inspiratif 2019" given by Anne Avantie Foundation. 

Karina Eka Dewi Salim

Karina Lin is a writer, blogger, and a person with SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) or Lupus. She started and organised a blog called Semangatkarin.com that focuses on topics related to lupus and autoimun.

Nabila May Sweetha

Nabila May Sweetha or Lala was born on 22 May 2003 in Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi. This year, Lala has just graduated from SMA Negeri 11 Makassar, and regularly writes about disabilitas issues in several online media, such as  ekspedisidifabel and solider.id. She became blind in 2017 because of tourch plasma virus from her rabbit, and she still loves rabbits until now. The firstborn child is obsessed in Harry Potter and chocolates. She also wrote several literature pieces such as Warisan Kematian (novel), Ubur-ubur Di Matamu (novel), and Kenangan Mengajari Kenangan Lainnya (anthology of short stories). 


Suryandaru has experience of more than 20 years in the empowerment of people with sensoric disability -- blindness, through activities at Pertuni Daerah Jawa Tengah. His advocacy works at private colleges opens opportunies for disabled people with blindness to have fully covered tuition at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), to improve the quality of people with blindness, and build partnerships with disabled organisations outside of Pertuni. Suryandaru strengthened the participation of Pertuni in Central Java in their fight for disability rights in the national and international scale, maintained partnerships with government and non-governement entities, as well as being a consultant in the blind disability sector, as well as doing social campaigns and advocacies for people with blindness. 

Tommy Hari Firmanda

Tommy is a person with low vision, who works as a counselor and a Disability Advisor in the Pusat Studi dan Layanan Disabilitas Universitas Brawijaya (PSLD UB), Malang. He's also and advocate and researcher in Australia-Indonesia Disability and Advocacy Network (AIDRAN). With an educational background in Psychology and Special Education, Tommy is interested in inclusive educations and learning support for students with special needs, especially for people with blindness. With that in mind, he often writes articles and embarks on research on issues related to inclusion and disability in Indonesia. 

Yeni Endah Kusumaningtyas

Yeni Endah is a person with Friedreich's Ataxia and became disabled at 19 years old. She wants to keep creating works and achieve things in the literary sector, one of them through her blog https://yeniendah.blogspot.com


Our Partners' Profiles

Disability Arts Online (DAO)

Disability Arts Online (DAO) is an arts organisation and registered charity led by disabled people. They occupy a unique global position with their UK-based website, social media network, commissioning and artist development programmes, partnership work, and vibrant community of disabled creatives.

The Alliance of Indpendent Journalists (AJI)

AJI is a journalist association with members spread out through its 40 branches all over Indonesia. AJI affiliated with several international organizations, such as the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), International Freedom of Expression Exchange Organization (IFEX), Southeast Asia Press Alliance (SEAPA), Forum Asia, and Global Investigative Network (GIJN). AJI has three core programs, which are press freedom, journalist welfare, and professionalism.


KamiBijak stands for Kami Berbahasa Isyarat Jakarta. KamiBijak provides easy access to Disability-friendly online information, especially for those with hearing impairments (Deaf) through visual media in the form of Sign Language videos and text. KamiBijak is the first media of Disability in Indonesia.



As a way to exercise their learnings, each participants were assigned to write articles featuring disabled artists. Read their articles here or through the link below. 

Some of the sessions from this workshop series were covered by KamiBijak to be translated into video contents that are more accessible for Deaf audience, and are published through their youtube channel. Visit the external links below to watch the videos. 

See also

External links