Below are testimonials from our last GED, The Power of Consortia : how can universities solve the global grand research challenges?, held in Medan, Indonesia tanggal 20-21 November 2014.

"British Council has been able to bridge universities collaboration"

“University partnership is becoming an essential element in the higher education. Collaborations are  needed to support the internationalization of education, research, innovation and broaden the network. British Council has been able to bridge these needs.  Global Education Dialogue is a strategic forum for all stakeholders to provide lessons learned, information and opportunities for developing U to U consortium.  Thank you British Council for the continuing support and congratulations for such a great event.” Professor Ningrum Natasya Sirait, Vice Rector for Planning and Co-operation, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU).

 "The theme really fits to the needs of universities for collaborations"

"I am very happy to get a chance to attend the British Council's Global Education Dialogues, East Asia Series 2014-2015 in Medan. I actively participated in the British Council's activities nearly 30 years ago but this time I really appreciate the offer of building more cooperation between Indonesia and the UK universities in the field of academic and management. The theme 'The power of consortia' really fits to the universities needs for collaborations, which will surelly be followed up soon, hopefully in the year to come." Professor Dr. Ir. Suminar Setiati Achmadi, Senior Researcher on Polymer Chemistry, Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB - Bogor).

 "We're inspired by the 'Unleashing Innovation' topic"

“Global Education Dialogue (GED) last November 2014 in Medan was astonishing and I was very lucky to take part in. The topic of "Unleashing Innovation" even boosts my idea. I plan to strengthen the collaborative works through a systematic consortium. Inspired by the success "unleashing innovations" story of the collaborative works between the United States, Indonesia and with the United Nations  our research group and colleagues at ITS are now going to colaborate with national and global partners through strong consortium and experience the powerful unleashing innovation concept” Professor I Ketut Aria Pria Utama, Head of Naval Architecture Department (ITS) and Secretary of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) Indonesian Branch, Institut Teknik Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) and Royal Institutionof Naval Architects (RINA).

 "Enriched my knowledge, making the research consortia works"

“I was very fortunate to participate at the GED and presented IPB lessons learned on various funding systems of the IPB existing research consortia. The forum has enriched my knowledge on science and research management and assisted my institution in identifying initial pre-conditions for making the UK-ID research consortia works.” Professor Iskandar Z. Siregar, Director for Research and Innovation, Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB - Bogor).

See also